November 22, 2018

White Dinner Rolls

2 cups warm water
6 cups flour
4 T. dry milk
7 T. sugar
2 t. salt
6 T. butter,
4 t. yeast

In Bosch mixer...
1. Mix water, sugar, and yeast. Let sit 5 minutes
2. Add salt, milk, butter and mix.
3. Add 2 cups flour and mix for 2 minutes
4. Add remaining flour one cup at a time.
5. Knead 7 minutes
6. Move dough to greased bowl and let rise until double (60-90 minutes).
7. Shape dough into preferred roll shape.
8. Rise again until almost doubled.
9. Back at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Makes 32 (1.5 oz) rolls.

Original recipe was half of this in the bread machine.

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